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Weekly Objectives


Math: End of Year Review, Telling time, measurement, addition/subtraction

Test addition/subtraction Thursday  

ELA: Poetry, Cold Read (Friday)

Grammar: adverbs and adjectives (CW grade Thursday)

Spelling:  seated, keeps, speed, seen, means, clean, groan, roast, bowls, crow, owe, grown, green, snow, peace, below (quiz Friday)

Vocabulary: N/A

HFW: almost, dear, door, from, money, pushed, remember, sometimes, together, years

Science: Food Chain, Endangered Animals (Animal Research Project)

Social Studies: Unit 5, Test (Friday)


ELA:  i-Ready reading lessons (45 min. per week per subject), Spelling City, Think Central Lesson 30


Math: Review

i-Ready math lessons


Science: Science Fusion Unit 10, Animals/Plants Needs 

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